
Living through a 1/4 life Crisis one dat at a time! Who's with me?!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Timer Cont

 The Funny thing about me even starting a blog is I have always rolled my eyes when people suggest writing to work through things. But every time I am in a deep thought I find my self silently reading my own monologue.The truth is a reason I shy away from the pen, in this case the keys, is because some angry old woman told me that I couldn't write. Or it just wasn't my strength. And what do you know, I fucking believe her! 

Funny isn't it, how thought can materialize out of no where in your life? I did the Secret thing and and kinda believed it and then bad things started to happen. The next theory,if you can call it that, I took on was The Four Agreements. And  I really have found a lot of what Ruiz says is true. so i have been attempting to use the Agreements into my daily life. The First of the Four Agreement is to BE impeccable with your Word: Hmmm how to do this?  I guess think before you speak. That can be tricky, i find myself filtering and then I find that beyond my words  i an filtering my personality. 

FIrst timer