
Living through a 1/4 life Crisis one dat at a time! Who's with me?!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 5 of 42.

Breaking point:

So today I woke up feeling pretty good. Today is the fifth day of me transitioning in to a "Better Me". A couple of challenges have already come up. The first one started yesterday around 2:00pm. i road my bike to a meeting down town and was rushed bombed with sweats and chills. I felt sooo sick. I have learned a lot from my old job and one thing I will never forget is that people don't want to hear your problems they have their own agenda. I toughed it through my meeting and it actually went well.(I'll update on that later) I road my bike home with the tormenting feeling that I was going to puke. And at that moment all my diet goals went right out the window. I wanted to eat! Bread, Butter,Rice,Nachos! ( Can ya tell I'm a little Carb deprived) But I know that those small slips will just put me back where I started if not worse.

Back to this morning waking up, I 'm not sure if it was the cat shit that fell on me when I was cleaning the litter of the fact the I slammed my pinkie finger in the door on my way in my house. I was sooo upset . Instead of heading to the gym after doing some work around the house I felt like crap. I just wanted to hide in my house and eat. What came to mind: NACHOS! Mmmm that hot melted cheese smothered over homemade crunchy tortilla chips. Mmmm mmm good. F*@k That! That is what I alawys run to to solve my worries and it just gets me into more trouble. *sigh* This is pretty tough but I am determined!!!
Please leave a comment , I could really use some shared experiences around this frustration with food.


LJ said...

Hi there. I just happened upon your blog by tracking back from my blog's sitemeter software. My life has also been an ongoing battle with my weight. I eat super healthfully now, but I'm still way heavier than the average vegan because I love to cook and I love food. I've come to accept it, for the most part, to love myself no matter what my dress size (I may have a belly, but I AM strong and flexible and fit). The best advice I can offer is to take it one day at a time, and to not beat yourself up over any slip ups. You can do it!


Spicey said...

I am currently going "no sugar" til the end of February. My body seems to burn fat more efficiently without it.
I feel your pain.
Don't beat yourself up over little slips because that seems to lead to bigger ones in my experience.

Herstory said...

Laura Jill- Thank you for checking me out! I love the support and understanding.

Spicy- Let me know how the sugar free life goes, I am curious to hear how it goes! Good luck and thanks for comment.

Thank you both for the encouraging words.:)

Spicey said...

I re-did the no-sugar thing for 2 weeks. Now, I am having it about once a week. I had to rer-cut it out completely to get off the sugar train. How are you doing?